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    As any parent knows, getting your child to brush and floss their teeth can be a challenge. The younger a child is, the harder it can be to explain to them the importance of dental hygiene. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you encourage your child to maintain good oral health habits.

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    VBA is proud to be part of the South Hills community, and it’s important to us that we help take care of our neighbors. With September 28 being National Good Neighbor day, we felt it was the perfect opportunity to take action.

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    At VBA, we want our members to have easy access to great providers and affordable frame and lens options. That’s why we’re always working to expand our network.

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    Did you know over three million Americans have glaucoma? According to the National Eye Institute, this number is expected to climb to 4.2 million by 2030.

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    Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in people 50 years or older. In recognition of AMD Awareness Month, we’ve compiled important information to know about this disease.

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    The impact age has on the body is not limited to gray hair or wrinkles. Age can also bring changes that can weaken or alter your vision. While some age-related vision problems can be inevitable, there are things you can do to help protect your eyes and vision:

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    September is National Gum Care Month and we’re making it our mission to help educate our community about gum health. Do you know the warning signs of gum disease? Do you have a proper dental hygiene routine? We have compiled a list of what you need to know.

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    Contact lenses can provide a convenient and effective way to correct vision. In fact, an estimated 45 million Americans wear contact lenses. To enjoy the comfort and benefits of contact lenses, it is important that wearers maintain healthy wear and care habits.

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    VBA has been offering diverse and cost-effective vision benefits for more than 50 years. Using that experience and heritage as a foundation, VBA is thrilled to announce that, in partnership with TruAssure Insurance Company, we will now offer dental benefits.

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