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    Sports Eye Safety

    When playing sports, it can be easy to be caught up in the fun and excitement of the game, but protecting your eyes should never be an afterthought.

    The month of April is recognized as Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month. Prevent Blindness America reports that more than 25,000 people seek treatment for sports related injuries each year. More than 90% of all eye injuries reported can be prevented with the appropriate protective eyewear.

    Here are a few tips on how to keep your eyes safe while participating in sporting events:

    • Sports protective eyewear should be labeled ASTM F803 approved.
    • Make sure lenses stay in place or pop outward in the event of an accident. Lenses that pop in against the eye can be very dangerous in the event of an accident.
    • Sports protective eyewear should be padded/cushioned along the brow and bridge of the nose. Padding will prevent the eyewear from cutting the skin.

    Keeping these tips in mind can help you focus on playing the sport you love most while still protecting your vision health.

    The information contained above is intended to be educational in nature, does not constitute medical advice, and should not be relied on as a substitute for actual professional medical advice, care or treatment. If you have any vision, dental or other health related concerns, VBA encourages you to immediately contact your optometrist/ophthalmologist, dentist/orthodontist or any other competent, licensed, medical professional.