Buyers beware! Being responsible for selecting an insurance plan for your company or organization can feel like a lot of pressure. To help you through the process, we’ve compiled tips for choosing a vision plan.
Continue ReadingBreak out your shades, folks! June 27, is annually recognized as National Sunglasses Day by the Vision Council.
Continue ReadingMost of us have heard of 20/20 vision, but do you actually know what it means? Despite what many people assume, 20/20 vision is not perfect vision, but rather normal vision!
Continue ReadingSay “cheese!”—It’s National Smile Month!
Continue ReadingTrue or False? Smiling has positive effects on your brain.
Continue ReadingThe birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming! For most people, these signs of spring are a welcomed treat after the cold winter months. For others, however, these are a sign of something else: allergy season! Our eyes are often one of the most affected areas by allergens and can leave them ...
Continue ReadingWhat is Vision Insurance?
Continue ReadingOf the thousands of eye injuries that occur each day, 90 percent could have been prevented with the use of appropriate safety eyewear.
Continue ReadingTrue or False? Today’s retinal imaging devices can reveal all layers of the retina.
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