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    Having missing teeth can make anyone self-conscious when talking or smiling, but thankfully, dental implants can help restore confidence.

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    Say “cheese!”—It’s National Smile Month!

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    Skipping the dentist can put you at risk for issues such as cavities or gum disease, but did you know missing those regular check-ups can also put your overall health at risk?

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    True or False? Smiling has positive effects on your brain.

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    Dental insurance is an important tool. It helps ensure the health of your teeth, as well as your overall health and it can potentially save you time and money. How so? Let’s break it down.

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    What is Dental Insurance?

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    True or False: Research shows that over 90 percent of systemic diseases have oral indicators, such as swollen gums or dry mouth.

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    Have you ever wondered why we have a Food Pyramid and suggested Dietary Guidelines? A balanced diet not only keeps your body healthy, but your diet can affect many aspects of your overall health and wellness, including the health of your teeth. Here’s how can you make sure your diet doesn’t harm ...

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    Are you looking for a way to feel more confident? Whitening your teeth is a great way to enhance your smile and give your self-esteem a boost.

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