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    It’s no secret that smoking can cause a number of major health concerns, but did you know the significant threat it poses to your oral and vision health?

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    Have you ever noticed a small, dark spec in your field of vision? These are known as floaters. Floaters are relatively common, and though they may seem to be in front of the eye, they are actually seen as shadows by your retina.

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    Did you know that two-thirds of those living with blindness or visual impairment are women? Prevent Blindness has designated April as Women’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month. Among one of the many differences between men and women is the fact that women are more likely to have eye diseases, ...

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    Contact lenses are a convenient tool for vision correction. Whether you’re nearsighted (myopia), farsighted (hyperopia) or have an astigmatism, your doctor may present contact lenses as an option. We refer to these as elective contact lenses.

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    Did you make a resolution at the beginning of the year to eat healthier? If so, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to remove some of your favorite foods from your diet! In case you’ve hit a rut in your wellness journey, we’ve compiled a list of healthy alternatives to popular foods.

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    You likely have your winter essentials read to go: coat, hat, mittens, scarf and boots. One very important item missing from that list? Sunglasses! Just because the sun isn’t putting off heat to warm you up, doesn’t mean its UV rays are any less dangerous to your eyes.

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    Halloween is right around the corner. Between trying to find the best costumes, picking out candy to hand out and finding the spookiest decorations, we thought it might be helpful to round up some safety tips to ensure your holiday is scary fun!

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    Did you know 4 out of 5 people who are blind across the world could have avoided blindness? Whether their loss of sight was a result of eye injury or eye disease, many people can avoid unnecessary blindness.

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    Fall is officially upon us! As you enjoy cooler temperatures and falling leaves, we thought we’d provide these helpful hints for maintaining eye and dental health during the change of season.

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