To help you better understand the RFP process, we have assembled a sample checklist of benefit requirements:
Required Data For RFPs
Official (legal) name of business
Complete HQ address with street number, city, state and zip code
Proposed effective date
Type of funding requested (fully insured, self-insured)
Census (in Excel) showing the following information
All eligible employees
If census includes ineligible employees, a way to decipher who is eligible and who is not
Home zip codes of eligible employees
Tier selection for each enrolled employee (EE, EE+SP/EE+1, EE+CH(ren), FAM)
If group offers multiple plans (High vs. Low, Union vs Non-union, etc.), the plan selection for each enrolled employee
Requested tier structure (2-tier, 3-tier, 4-tier)
Requested commission level (Percentage for Risk, $ PEPM for ASC)
Current plan certificate (or summary)
Detailed plan deviations requested from current
Any other special considerations/notes UW needs to know about prior to the release of the quote (inclusion of any special credits, etc.)
Preferred Data For RFPs
Employee DOB’s
Employee genders
Employer contribution level
Incumbent carrier
Current rates
Renewal rates
Claims experience (must include claims, by month, with respective monthly enrollment)
Name of broker and broker agency
Is listed broker BOR?
Competitive data (other than current & renewal rates)
Rate history
SIC Code
Required Documents To Be Attached
Census (in Excel)
Plan certificate and/or Plan Summary
Broker RFP
Preferred Documents To Be Attached
Claims data from current carrier
Renewal document
Competitive data/quotes (besides from current carrier)
All TruAssure dental plans are offered in association with the DenteMax Plus dental network arrangement, which includes dentists from the following dental networks: United Concordia, DenteMax and GEHA Connection Dental Network.